Why Mental Health is of Utmost Importance
We have learned in our schools that the signals from all our sensory organs go to the brain and are interpreted by it. So, the brain is like the C.P.U in our body, controlling all the other organs in our body. Mental well-being is one aspect that drives all other aspects of our life. Only if we are mentally fit can we be physically fit and only if we are mentally strong can we be emotionally strong.
I would like to drive home the importance of mental health with the following analogy:
*Just like the most important part in a car is its engine; of course, other parts like wheels, steering, brakes are needed too; but without the engine, every other part would become redundant. Similar is the case with our body. Without a working mind, every other organ in our body will go defunct. *
That just goes to show how important our mind is and hence we should take utmost care of it. Yet it is grossly neglected. The importance of mental health got highlighted during the current pandemic. When faced with the incessant flow of news regarding Covid and its detrimental impact on human lives, a lot of people grappled with anxiety and depression. Instead of acknowledging it and thereby doing something about it, people ignored their condition and the situation got from bad to worse.
Don’t you think it is strange that when our bones break down we are not ashamed to see an orthopaedist but when our mind breaks down we are embarrassed at the prospect of seeing a psychiatrist or a psychotherapist?
Suggestions for Current Generation
Allow me to use another analogy. Just like we go to the gym to take care of our physical health, we should not hesitate in going to a psychotherapist or a counselor to undergo Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a kind of mental exercise, to take care of our mental health.
If a person is afraid to reveal his/her identity, these days one has the option of taking online counseling sessions from the comfort of their home and that too by staying anonymous. BetterHelp is one such recommended platform.
Talk to your loved ones and closest friends whom you trust. Don’t keep the feelings buried deep within. Let it out.
Take a mental health assessment to find out whether you have signs of a mental health disorder or not. These tests are useful tools for all — even people that suspect they have a psychiatric disorder and those that do not.
Raise awareness about mental health problems by sharing related content on your social media. When we see people in our social media feed and people around us talking about mental health we tend to get comfortable speaking about it ourselves.
Participate with local NGOs and volunteering organizations in awareness drives.
Even renowned artists and celebrities have come out in the open and made their mental issues public. Know that even they are vulnerable and fallible.
And finally, it is perfectly ok to be not ok.
If we don’t take our mental health seriously then a buried mental issue could wreak havoc in our personal lives, professional lives, and even in our relationship with our family and loved ones. Ignoring or suppressing mental issues is a perfect recipe for a disaster. The longer we leave a mental issue untreated, the more difficult it gets to be resolved in the future.
Persistent neglect could impair our bodily functions, which could further lead to chronic pain, hinder our sensibilities, our reasoning, and our analytical abilities. So, treating a mental illness or an issue should be our topmost priority. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional psychiatrist or a counselor if need be.
Stay safe. Take care.
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