Year-End Shoutout to Top 10 Investors
Shoutout to my Top 10 Coin Holders including some funds where I will call out the Fund Owners / Managers as well.
@RajLahoti I’ve heard people often say this is our project. We should all work like we are part of the team and no one exemplifies this behavior more than Raj Lahoti. Huge respect and whether he owns my coin (and he didn’t for a small period), I have been a huge fan and have said so on chain.
@MarioNawfal and @GoatTrade thru @Creatofundv2 (#2) and @CreatorFundv3 (#5) have thru their fund ensured that many of the OGs have remained motivated with small to big investments until very recently when they strategically chose to temporarily divest from one of the funds and possibly not invest more until I guess some of their parameters are met. But Mario is one of the smartest minds in Crypto and Eric (who I’ve had much more chances to interact with) is one of the kindest souls – he’s even bought back coins of scams (suspected) after the person said that he was only a conduit and the real scammer was someone else. I obviously won’t name the handle, but those who know, know.
@EvanLuthra: Evan Luthra was one of the early investors into the project from India and while he may be inactive and may have divested a little bit, his 200$ (1-1.5 DeSo) investment in the early days gave me a big boost and the fact that he’s retained his 5-6X return in me despite his other divestments is something I am grateful for.
@Lovish843: Lovish was part of the early Collab Team that Scott, Jeff, and a few others setup to support each other and he’s also been inactive, but he’s retained his investment in me and again a good 5-6X return in 6 months is not so bad I guess especially if DeSo also takes off in a few months and he’ll have a bonanza when he is back. 😊
@Dario_Ryu_Alioto: He’s a Poker Pro - Omaha integralist since 2005 and with his promise to buyback with 3% of Poker Winnings, this could be a first opportunity to invest in someone and and root for him when he’s on TV / Twitch / YouTube Live playing in the WSOP & make money.
@FreeTrade runs @MemberCash: He invested in me thru a Coin Swap, and I have to say Member Cash is a great project and is one of those projects that will thrive in a multi-chain world since the Member Cash feed not only has posts from DeSo, but also has content from Hive, Bitcoin Cash and other chains too. It also has some cool features and I do use it regularly.
@JeffHawkins is a super-successful entrepreneur and his dedication and motivation to keep building on his successes is an inspiration for me and I will forever be grateful for his friendship over the past few months. He was kind enough to trust me with his initial investment on @CreaTiers without knowing me in real life and with the Octane Fund Grant, I hope that I have lived up to his expectations 😊. Watch out for him and if anyone’s looking at a long-term play, his coin is a dream investment once he does become active on DeSo.
@Scottscoin is my other Co-Founder in @CreaTiers. While again, in terms of investment, it may have been 0.5 DeSo or so, the time and love that has been invested in me by him and Jeff are worth much more than the $/DeSo. He’s a great entrepreneur and a part-time graphics designer as he describes himself, but he’s still good enough to have won 4-5 Logo Contests here. Tells you about his skills and his potential.
@JDArmstrong: Where do I start about him? An awesome writer (he knows why I included this) and even more awesome human being. I read his "The Day I Died" story on his Blog Post and I had chills down my spine. Not just for what he had to go thru, but the unique way that story was told. Of course, he and I have had 100s of long-chats bitching about DeSo, the Core Team 😉 and many others on the platform, but also speaking about many opportunities, projects, collabs and hopefully, one of these will turn into something meaningful. Irrespective, I will be forever grateful to DeSo for having introduced me to another friend from down under who I’ll hopefully meet some day when I do my first trip to Australia in 2022.
Others that I should mention who have helped in this journey: @LukasJakson (now @ZugasZugson), @JoeJerome, the amazing @Creatiers community and the @TheDiverseAlpha / @AlphaPack community.
Last but not the least, @Nader and the core team for starting this project and giving us this space and most recently, @AlexValaitis for giving the @CreaTiersTeam the Development Grant which gave us the boost we needed to keep going.
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