Receiving Real-time Feedback As a Creative
Rolling cycles of blistering heat & humidity, a massive storm, and a pleasant aftermath mark summers in the Midwest. This year's been no exception, and we used the recent temperate weather as an excuse to visit a driving range near our house.
The nice thing about golf is that the feedback is immediate. At the range, there are literal benchmarks to measure yourself against. On the course, if you find yourself spending a lot of time search for your ball, the odds are pretty good that your game needs some work (Spoiler alert: you do not want me on your team).
This particular range has gone a step further and added digital technology to the mix. Each stall has monitors that track all kinds of telemetry; How far you drove, the arc of your shot, any slice, and so on. Those in a group can also gamify it, but the real value add here is a battery of instant feedback you can use to course correct.
Contrast that with the real world. In many offices, feedback only comes in the form of an annual review. For people in the creative economy, that's a lagging indicator (sales volume, click rates, comments on posts, etc.).
What if you could the same real-time feedback as you can get on the range? Would you take it? How might that affect your workflow or creative processes? If it was coming from someone you knew would that change your answer?
My older son was eating the data up. With each shot, he'd look and see the results and adjust his next swing accordingly. I don't know that he would've been so open to it if it had been coming from me or a buddy of his (my terrible shot notwithstanding).
I'm not going anywhere in particular here; it was just something that crossed my mind as I was spraying balls everywhere, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Let me know in the comments.